Happy …

Happy ...

but not allowed

to smile by the inner fears   by the well know romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Being happy … is so rarely happens.

I mean … profoundly happy.

And the question is … why?!

Or better asked … why the hell we don’t allow ourselves to be happy for real?!

… even in continuous form.

Also … why do we accept unhappiness … when we could anchor in beautiful vibes and remain into a non ending state of happiness?

I’ve asked myself that one million times … and the real proper answer I could find … was that i was too much dominated by my inner fears.

… by such a long time.

It was all looking like … my soul was sort of box … full with lots of ghosts … which were scaring me all the time … so that into the end I could lose the connection with the happiness itself.

But … my next question… which came into my mind was … what should i do next?!

Allow to be dominated forever by those fears?!

Hell … no …

And … still … i could not find any way in how … i could become courageous.

… eliminate the fears.

Somehow … being aware not to connect even again on those ugly energies … induced my those ghosts … prisoners of my soul.

It certainly looks like i am playing with words … writing nonsenses … but unfortunately … i am right.

Or at least that was the scenario of my life … looking like … i have almost no chance to feel happy.

I mean … be happy … for real …

Download the book ”The KARMIC CHARADE

spiritual & philosophical essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

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Google Books – https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Adrian_Gabriel_Dumitru_The_KARMIC_CHARADE?id=B6USEQAAQBAJ

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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com

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